How To juggle Between Pregnancy & A Toddler?

Juggling a toddler & pregnancy, this is a guide for managing both. Pregnancy sure is a beautiful journey, but it can become more complex when you already have a toddler to care for. Balancing the needs of your little one while nurturing a new life within you can be overwhelming. However, with some planning, patience, and support, it’s entirely manageable.

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How to Teach Phonics? (The Basics)

How to teach Phonics? (The Basics)

The primary goal of phonics instruction is to help individuals, especially young readers, develop the ability to decode or read words by translating the letters or graphemes into their corresponding phonemes and then blending those sounds together to form words. Phonics instruction is a fundamental component of early literacy education, and it plays a crucial role in helping individuals become proficient readers and spellers.

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How to make Summer Vacations Exciting?

As summer vacation approaches, it’s time to embark on an exciting journey of fun and learning for junior school students aged 7 to 11 years old. To make their break memorable, I have designed a special activity pack containing nine engaging tasks that will keep them entertained, encourage creativity, and enhance their skills. Let’s explore the wonderful world of summer with this carefully curated set of activities!

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Time management skills: A person sitting at a desk with a clock in the background, symbolizing the concept of time management. The person is organizing their tasks and prioritizing them on a to-do list. They are using a calendar and a stopwatch to plan and track their activities efficiently. This image represents the importance of effective time management skills in achieving productivity and meeting deadlines.

How to Teach Time Management Skills?

One of the earliest documented uses of time management in education was in the late 19th century when American educational reformer, John Dewey, emphasized the importance of time management in his educational philosophy. Dewey believed that learning should be experiential and that students should be given the opportunity to manage their own time and work at their own pace.

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creative writing skills

How to teach Creative Writing Skills

Encouraging creative writing at this very early stage is a master stroke to prepare them early to have an imagination to create.

Creative writing skills are important for children of all ages, including preschoolers. Developing these skills at a young age can help children develop strong communication and literacy skills, as well as foster creativity and imagination.

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Inquiry Based Learning

How to implement Inquiry Based Learning?

Inquiry based learning has existed for thousands of years nearly in the 1900s. All in all it begins with the basic principle that the way to make sense of the world is through inquiry. From infancy onward, the process of gathering information, data & knowledge starts with seeing, hearing, touching, tasting & smelling. It’s a critical component of scientific method of the early enlightenment and it was a core idea of both John Dewey and Maria Montessori around Student Centered Learning.

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STEAM Education

How to Implement STEAM Education?

“Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all understood with elements of Math”

Often seen written as, ST∑@M, this version denotes the definition most commonly cited for STEAM as not just an acronym to collect the fields, but one to show the order and purpose of how the subject fields relate in the societal development areas of the world. The goal of developing this framework was for teaching that could be based on natural ways of learning, customization for ALL types of students and programs and is Functional!

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The Role of Storytelling in Child Development

Storytelling is a timeless tradition that has been used for centuries to convey information, entertain, and teach valuable life lessons. For young children, storytelling is not just a source of amusement but a powerful tool for development. From enhancing language skills to fostering empathy, storytelling plays a critical role in child development. Here’s an in-depth

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Strategies for Teaching Math to Preschoolers

Teaching math to preschoolers can be a delightful and engaging experience. At this young age, children are naturally curious and eager to learn new things, making it the perfect time to introduce basic math concepts. By incorporating math into everyday activities and using fun, interactive methods, you can help your preschooler develop a strong foundation

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Children engaging in various forms of play including unstructured play with building blocks, interactive storytelling with parents, physical activities like running and jumping outdoors, creative activities like drawing with crayons, social play through board games, imaginative pretend play, shape sorting for cognitive development, concentration exercises with puzzles, singing and dancing for language and coordination development, and reading picture books to enhance language skills and imagination

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development

Play is often considered just a way for children to pass the time, but in reality, it’s a vital component of early childhood development. Through play, children learn about the world around them, develop essential skills, and form the foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. Here’s a deep dive into why play is so important

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language development, toddler language skills, early childhood education, storytelling tips, play-based learning, vocabulary building, parenting tips, interactive learning, singing with toddlers, flashcards for kids

How to Encourage Language Development in Toddlers?

Language development in toddlers is a fascinating and crucial aspect of their early years. It’s the foundation for effective communication, social skills, and cognitive development. Encouraging language development doesn’t have to be a daunting task; it can be seamlessly integrated into your daily interactions and activities with your child. Here are some practical and fun

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